The very nature of domestic abuse makes it a very difficult issue to discuss at the best of times but now, at the very worst of times, it is likely that people who want help or who may have been thinking about getting help may need it more than ever.
Being confined to your home with your abusive or controlling partner may mean it is very difficult, if not impossible, to make a phone call, but there are some services who can offer email support and also online webchat. Helplines are still available where it is safe to call.
The Victim Care Unit serving Devon and Cornwall has joined up with Victim Support who are able to offer a 24/7 online chat facility for anyone who needs support because of domestic abuse and sexual violence, or has experienced a crime of any kind. You do not have to report a crime to be able to use this facility.
Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services have altered their helpline hours and this is now available Monday to Friday, 9am until 12 noon. They also offer confidential email support and have self-help resources that you can access online 24/7. Outside of helpline hours you can contact the Victim Support webchat facility (see above).
Torbay Domestic Abuse Service are still available by telephone for outreach support particularly for existing clients but also to offer advice, information and support to anyone who hasn't previously been in contact with them.
Our website has a range of information and advice, including a Directory of Services which includes other local and national support services who are able to offer advice and support. Apart from those services which are identified as gender specific, services are accessible to all.
Can't speak but need to dial 999? Dial the number and when asked by the operator which service you require press 55 and they will know you need to be connected to the police. You may also be able to download the Hollieguard app which, when you activate it, will alert a trusted friend or relative that you need help.
Always remember that there is never, ever, an excuse for domestic abuse and sexual violence and that it is never your fault. If you believe you or your family are in immediate danger always phone the police on 999.