Mermaids offer a free support helpline for young people and parents, as well as resources that can be accessed by them and by professionals who may be supporting them. 

Mermaids is passionate about supporting children, young people and their families to achieve a happier life in the face of great adversity.  They work to raise awareness about gender nonconformity in children and young people amongst professionals and the general public. 

Contact Details

Mermaids offer information, support, friendship and shared experiences to young people, with or without their families, through the complex journey of gender dysphoria where children and young people are often bullied, isolated or sometimes physically attacked.

Mermaids will offer support to try and help families understand and accept a child’s gender identity, which may be an underlying reason why a young person is experiencing some form of abuse at home.   


  • Information/Helpline offering individual support
  • Contact via email
  • Support and education for families
  • Advice for professionals worried about a child or young person
  • Education and awareness raising