Are you ready for a recovery programme?

To help you make sense of the effects of experiencing domestic abuse or sexual violence, and to help you deal with it all, there are various programmes and courses that you could enrol onto.  Ask your support worker about these or contact the provider running the course direct.

Helping Hands

The Helping Hands programme provides support and guidance for children aged 7 to 11, to help them deal with their emotions and stay safe.

Workshops take place in a safe and friendly environment and are led by specially trained staff.

The programme aims to:

  • Develop self-esteem and confidence
  • Explore and express feelings
  • Promote safety messages
  • Identify personal support networks
  • Explore how different behaviour can affect other people’s feelings
  • Identify how to manage conflict

If you would like to join the programme please complete the form.

Make Amends

Make Amends is a service that delivers a choice of restorative opportunities that seek to heal the harm caused by crime, conflict, anti-social behaviour and the harmful actions of others across Devon and Cornwall.

Torbay LIGHT

Torbay LIGHT group aims to help people move forward in life after experiencing domestic abuse. It is a friendly group, providing social opportunities for people who are no longer in abusive relationships.

The Day Programme

DAY is a unique multimedia programme that raises awareness and provide education about domestic abuse and exploitation in a relevant and exciting way.  It is a 10-week course that has been designed to use with young people over the age of 14, although can be adapted for use with young people over 11 years.

 It challenges detrimental mind-sets about abuse and exploitation, explores how beliefs inform behaviour, and looks at the role of the media in reinforcing unhealthy beliefs.

Aims of DAY:

  • To give young people understanding and knowledge about Domestic Abuse, it’s causes, who it happens to and its effects.
  • To enable young people to recognise abuse, tactics and behaviour so that they can protect themselves from potential abusive people.
  • To enable young people to recognise behaviours and therefore the forms of healthy and non-abusive relationships.
  • To equip young people to know where to seek help and support from regarding domestic abuse and exploitation.

For further information contact