A Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (or MARAC) is a meeting that is held to discuss the most high risk cases of domestic abuse and sexual violence, to share information and to safety plan to safeguard a victim. The MARAC will specifically address the safeguarding needs of the adult victim, but will also take into consideration any children or unborn babies. The MARAC brings together agencies who may be working with an individual but by sharing information between them, a much more informed risk assessment and safeguarding action plan can be put in place. 

Professionals who attend may include police, children’s services, representatives from health, probation and housing.  Other organisations may also be invited to attend where relevant. An IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advisor) also attends on behalf of the victim, but the victim does not attend in person.   

MARAC meetings are currently held fortnightly and discuss numerous individuals at each meeting.

To refer an individual into MARAC a DASH Risk Checklist should be completed. In Torbay if an individual scores 14 or above, they should automatically be referred into MARAC. An individual scoring less than 14 may also be referred if, in the professional’s judgement, there are serious concerns that should be taken into account. Consent does not necessarily need to be obtained for a referral to be made.

Completed referral forms should be sent by secure email to torbaydau@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk 

We have a leaflet that you can give to someone you are referring into MARAC which gives them an idea of what happens.  This can be downloaded or printed. 


The MARAC process

Watch these videos that have been produced by SafeLives to help explain how a DASH RIC checklist should be completed, what a MARAC is and how the MARAC process works.

What to expect and how to prepare for MARAC

Why MARACs were set up and how they help victims

Action planning assigned to each of the risks identified

An introduction to risk identification in DA cases using the DASH RIC checklist