Abuse can happen to anyone of any age, from any background, regardless of your sexual orientation or how you identify.
Domestic abuse is the term used to describe harm abuse that takes place where people over 16 are personally connected. This can be a family member, a partner or ex-partner or people who share responsibility for a child. People don't need to live together to experience domestic abuse. People under 16 may also be in an intimate relationship where they experience harm. A child who has witnessed domestic abuse is considered to be a victim of domestic abuse. Other forms of abuse towards someone under 16 is usually referred to as child abuse.
If you are worried about someone under the age of 18 you can contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) anonymously on 01803 208100 or Torbay.safeguardinghub@torbay.gov.uk. You can find information about other things that might be worrying you or affecting you on the Torbay Safeguarding Children Partnership website.